Wednesday 12 February 2014

the fingleton defined..male, 50+ and single (again).

february 12, 2014

it is somehow fitting that i am writing this blog on a rather ancient pc where my ability to capitalize appropriately is at best challenged.

perhaps i should be more exact here.  my pc's keyboard here at home is impaired to the point where eliminating capitalization altogether seems the way to go, in that it at least looks like a choice as opposed to a glaring lack of grammatical competency..

so basically, faced with a challenge based on age (the pc's), i opted for improvising rather than actually starting over with new equipment.

which i suppose is a fitting analogy for the whole single again post 50 scenario in general and dating in same condition specifically.

now,  in the interest of full disclosure, my progress into this brave new world after 23 years with the same woman (20 of which found us in a legally sanctioned state) is mostly hypothetical.

i have tread the waters of dating post 50 by maintaining profiles on several sites.

i've even been on a number of "coffee-dates" courtesy of messaging on said sites.   it's hard to describe these meetings as dates per se...they more resemble safe and easy to bail on transfers of basic information and validation of whether one's "product description" is as promised.

they are more than a bit like spies meeting at a pre-arranged drop spot for a document exchange...there's a tentativeness, a suspense, a plan for escape ready to be deployed...not exactly an environment given to the relaxed chats i had envisioned.

so..some seven months into this new state, one i define as being a "fingleton" (male and single again in one's 50's), i remain something of a babe in the woods.  strike that..i am a total babe in the woods.

which puts paid to a theory i had often heard pre-split.

that theory, spread mostly by groups of married men, held that there was a world of women out there waiting lustily for new members to be added to the small pool of age appropriate, available, single men.

there would be dates galore for any and all gainfully employed, remotely presentable men...the numbers alone guaranteed this as a legion of lonely post 40/50-ish women was swollen by a careerism that had postponed relationships or later in life divorces from schmucks not even remotely like us.

and this theory was unquestionable, having been verified by scores of guys who knew a guy that knew another guy who was single and out every night, punching way above his weight with gorgeous and insatiable women who found him inexplicably fascinating and irresistible.

it has proven to be a case of "if it sounds too good to be true...well, it is".

so...having accepted the reality that the "shooting fish in a barrel" scenario was a fiction of wishful thinking, i am ready to soldier on....and share my foray into the world of the "fingleton" as i go.

until next time

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